gak jelas..
its up to you
thats your opinion
the turth is
this is my blog
this is my rule
you can express your feelings
and so do i
Kelas X :
1.Gagal masuk SMA Negri yang gue pengenin sampe akhirnya keterima di SMAN 2 Yk well i have no idea about this at that time
2. MOS dan semua rangkaian acara buat murid baru yang ada ~ it’s unforgetable experience i ever had
3. i had very special classmate like oneng, janetrong, phipoo, alvian, mandra, bon*, aksa, etc ~ its the most solid class i ever had missyouall guys ! and my special SCV who always protected and support one another.
4. punya kakak* kelas yang super duper baik even like family : mas kris, mas hen(D)y, mas pluk, mbak djo, mbak dichie, mbak bellz, mbak firda, and manymore they’re the most i miss at SHS
5. silly experience at basketball court and it made me feel so embarrased
6. sebuah kegagalan tapi ternyata awal revolusi in my life ~ thank you so for mas Aldi buat wajangan*nya believe it or not yang bikin aku kayak sekarang ya kata*mu
“apapun pilihan kamu aku bakal selalu dukung dan belain tapi kamu harus bisa buktiin paling egak ke aku yang udah kasih kepercayaan ke kamu”
Yah kurang lebih gitu but thats really means to me