Tuesday, December 22, 2009

mother's day

oh ok . today is mother's day and every people here say their love to their mother . but i don't understand why i don't think that it's a special day . it seems like my others day with loneliness sadness or whatever you call it .in fact i don't have a nice relationship with my parents coz' they're too busy. but i believe that sharing love not only in a special day like today , right ?

well , unfortunately i don't have special gift for my mom . it doesn't mean that i won't give her a gift . last Sunday was my mother birthday . i wanna give her a gift so i come to the shop to buy batik . then i gave it to her , but guess ! pity me . she don't want to wear it . she was unhappy . oh my God ! that's the worst experience for me . and pity me , i felt disappointed till now .

last i just wanna say : happy mother's day !!! (for all mother in this world, for all women in this world who will become the next mother)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

80's #2

lama gak posting karna ke padatan jam terbang gue d dunia pendidikan . that's so shit ! tiap hari kerjaannya pagi ke sekolah , pulang sekolah langsung les , sampe rumah sudah harus duduk di meja hukuman (baca: meja belajar) . belum lagi ulangan semesteran . GREAT !!

by the way , akhirnya selese juga ulangan semesterannya . it means that i'm FREE . cihuuy ! soal nilainya , gue bersyukur banget gue gak remed matematika . *perlu dirayain dengan acara syukuran tujuh hari tujuh malam .
aduh kok malah nglantur kemana-mana ..

langsung aja deh . akhernya kemaren gue udah jadi voto buku tahunan ! ini dia beberapa votonya .

check this out ..

ini foto gue , tapi banyak yg blg kayak anak kecil . gosh !

look at that silly sandals

that smile looks so natural

wow ! that was so cool

that man is so crazy !

well , i think it's enough for today . i've another task to do . hope you enjoy this guys .

see you (:

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


wow ! sekarang demam buku tahunan bener bener merebak dikelas gue . setelah kemaren anak2 pada ngributin soal kostum sekarang ni lagi heboh hebohnya pada mau ngopi hasil jepretannya si mas mas fotografer yang klo menurut gue dandanannya lebih mirip gembel .. hehe *ampuun mas ..
tapi sumpah gue akuin emang keren bgt tuh foto ! two thumbs deh ..

check this out ..

emang fotonya sesuai kasta kok . haha
yang paling tengah kasta paling bawah (red : reri)

klo yang ini si baju merah(red : oneng) lebih mirip si manis jembatan ancol

well , itu cuma dua dari sekian banyak foto yang ada . *untung gua belum foto :D sebenernya masih banyak foto-foto yang lebih hot dan lebih asyikk buat di komentari sayang gue belum dapet backupannya . klo udah pasti langsung gue upload . wah gak sabar pengen foto soalnya cuma tinggal tiga anak aja yang belum foto . (termasuk gue) good job guys !lovin' it !
